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Meet the Interns

Swing Solutions

  AJ Selig                                               Blaine Lynch
Will be attending Valparasio                                                                 Junior at Carroll University
A.J.                                         Blaine


Dear Carolyn,  

Carolyn has asked that I introduce myself:  I am Blaine Lynch; AJ Selig and I will be interning for both Swing Solutions and the Bobbie Barnett Foundation this summer.  I am looking forward to meeting many of you, helping Steve and Carolyn share their passion for golf and learning a bit about the business world all in one summer!


Yesterday was my first day on the job.  I am a member of the Carroll University Men's Golf Team and we were lucky enough to qualify for the National NCAA Division III Championships in North Carolina, so I was there in early May.  Our team did not make the final cut, but it was an incredible experience nonetheless!  I am pursuing a business management degree at Carroll, so I am excited about this internship on many levels.


I learned a great deal on my first day of work:


·      First, Carolyn's mom was an English teacher, so spell check is a must


·      Apparently females are more in tuned to color schemes than males


·      If you have a new template that offers a coupon, you should honor that coupon (or delete it).


·      Carolyn likes pictures (that's AJ on the left and me on the right)


So, please enjoy the new template ladies, and back to my intended message: please join us on Facebook for both the Swing Solutions and Bobbie Barnett Memorial Foundation!


I'm teaching Carolyn how to Tweet; wish me luck,


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Blaine Lynch
Swing Solutions Intern

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