Parents' Turn!
Over the years, Steve and I have had numerous requests from parents for a program of their own. We'll do you one better: we will treat you like the kids!
We have room for up to 8 adults to join the program. You will be treated just like the kids: filming, practice and lecture. We left the 8:00 time slots open. Our thought would be to fill from 8:00 - 9:30 for your filming and lecture and then it would be ok for you to join the younger set for practice.
Program costs would be the same for adults as kids, but knowing that you are busy, you may "share" a program with your spouse or another adult.
We have three committed, let us know if you would like to be included. It might be a nice way to share a passion with your child as well as investing a little time in yourself. If notheing else, we promise you will have fun!
Each participant has been assigned a filming night. Our goal during this time is to identify specifics relative to the individual's swing. It is our hope that the student listens thoughtfully and remembers from week to week so that we can move forward in a logical progression. |
Practice Time
Each week we would like to give the students time to practice the concepts they have learned either during filming or lecture. Easily, we will share at least 6 new ideas weekly. While many students enjoy the competitive games that we structure during practice, attention should be paid to the specifics we have shared with them: whether it is posture, swing plane, grip, set-up or any one of a myriad of concepts, there is not much down time. Every skill level, whether all-state or a beginner, needs to practice.
Driving Directions from Swing Solutions to the practice gyms below. Please click on the link.
Foster Elementary
St Margaret Mary
Lecture Time
If the game were just about swinging hard, then the Lecture series would not be needed. We understand that the our participants have been in school all day and they really want to "do" more than listen. We were kids once upon a time, so we completely understand this.
However, just as a good basketball coach needs to teach the concepts of reading a zone defense or a football coach needs to teach tfootwork technique, we think it is important to teach the entire game: power, short game, shotmaking, course management, mental attitudes and competitive strategies.
We do goal setting each year during our lecture series. If your student is struggling with the lecture portion, perhaps we should challenge them to set higher goals...
Lecture classes take place at Swing Solutions -730 Midway Rd, Menasha 967-4653
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