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Winter Workout 2010

November 2010
From Swing Solutions:
Winter Workouts

Dear Subscriber,

Hey folks, it's time to think about winter conditioning!  I also have had many people ask me about dates for the Spring trip so they can look into airfare.  Below are the dates for the Winter program and the Spring trip. 
Golf-Specific Workouts
Led by a certified physical trainer!

DeAnn Froland, Certified Physical Trainer

Workouts will be 2 times per week, generally around 6:30pm.  The times may vary by a half hour either way to accomodate Dee's busy schedule.  These will be group workouts, with 5-10 people per session.

The focus of the workouts will be golf-specific, with the goal of improving core strength and overall flexibility.


Start date - Tuseday November 9 @ 6:30  Don't worry if you miss the first one.  Just call Swing Solutions for the next time!

Open to Players, Coaches, and Parents!

Improve your strength and flexibility!

Depending on the number of attendees at a session, the cost of each workout will range from about $8 to $5.



We are running this as a drop-in program.  We only ask that you let Dee know if you are going to attend.  Either let her know before you leave a session or call the Swing Solutions office at 967-4653.  That way, you will know of any schedule changes. Once we know how large the interest pool is, we will develop a weekly schedule and assign session groups.




The workouts that Dee conducts are the result of a four-year study on the biomechanics of the golf swing.  We have tried to do these cost-effectively: providing the quality of a personal trainer with a focus on golf stability, balance and conditioning. 


Is this for me?


I can not think of a single student that would not benefit from this experience.  If I were not headed to Florida, I would definitely be participating! 


Save the Dates!


Swing Solutions Winter Program January 31- March 25

             (Sign up by December 30)


Swing Solutions Florida Trip

             Week 1 March 21 - 25

             Week 2 March 28 - April 1

             (sign up by Jan 1)


Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Carolyn Barnett-Howe
Swing Solutions

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