League and a Lesson

Join us each Wednesday at Irish Waters Golf Course for League and a Lesson. Seven years after starting League and a Lesson our program continues to grow.

Each week, players are invited to participate in a $10 lesson and a $10 green fee (younger children pay $1 per hole). This program is a “pay to play” concept that allows children to step out for family vacations and other obligations.

Weekly lessons, competitions and games, coupled with instruction from PGA professionals and guidance from high school mentors makes this one of the most unique programs in the Valley. Each child is given the opportunity to learn and grow from lessons and weekly on-course experiences. Younger children learn proper rules and etiquette, so they can play quickly and move around a golf course in a manner that will make their parents proud. Older players are given a chance to implement a new concept each week and advance their skill level substantially throughout the summer.


June 6th, 20th, 27th (June 13th course not available)
July 11th, 25th, (course unavailable July 4th and 18th)
August 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd

Registration Fee

$20  Payable on first day or you may mail the fee to: Swing Solutions 730 Midway Rd, Menasha, 54952.  The registration fees are used for weekly prizes, trophies and food.

1 holers       Tee-times from 9:15             Lesson time 8:30
3 holer        Tee-times from 9:15             Lesson time 8:30
5 holers       Tee-times from 8:45-9:15    Lesson time 10:00
9 holers       Tee-times from 8:00-8:45    Lesson time 11:00

Parents, please register your child(ren) for the number of holes you feel is appropriate for their attention span. This can be changed after several sessions if deemed appropriate by the staff.


$20 registration fee due with sign up (to cover cost of final party and prizes). Weekly fees for league and a lesson are due each Wednesday. Please call 967-4653 or email howe2golf@aol.com with questions.




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