Fall 2011 Girls and Boys Programming
Monday, September 26, 2011 at 5:08AM
Swing Solutions

Fall Golf Programming



Dear Carolyn,


Wow, what a summer!  From a win at the WSGA father-daughter (way to go Funks), numerous PGA top tens, impressive wins and just some all-around solid golf and qualifications, the kids in the Valley have represented themselves well this summer!   


As Fall approaches, we wish all the collegians success (academically and athletically) as they return to school and we eagerly watch the high school girls dig into their season.  Steve and I never tire of watching these amazing young people step up and realize their potential!

Fall also means a shift in our teaching programs:


Girls - $20 Thursdays now move to $20 Sundays


Boys and GirlsCollege prep


Community - Steve and I return to the in-school programming.  This Fall we will be visiting the Kimberly School District for instruction.


Boys' Boot camp at Irish Waters 
Boys' Boot Camp 
Irish waters
On course training


Cost: $200
Sign up: Fall Boot Camp 
 What is Boot Camp?
It's an opportunity to work on swings without the pressure of tournaments.  It is a time to learn new shots, play fun competitive games, be exposed to course management concepts and improve your swing/shortgame skills. 
Boys' Boot Camp 


Where: Irish Waters


When: Sept 8-Oct 13
Every Tue/Thursday


Time: After school 4-5:30(I will be there from 3:30-6:00) 
Rainouts are made up the following Monday


Girls' $20 Sundays at Irish Waters 

Girls' $20 Sundays 


Where: Irish Waters


When: Sept 5*-Oct 2 
(Sept 5 is a Monday.  We are using this day because of the Labor Day Holiday.  On this day only we will go from 5-7pm).


Time: 4-6pm Sundays


 Cost: $20


Concept:  Any HS or middle school girl is welcomed to drop in to work on their game.  We are aware that this is your time for competing, so the focus will be to give you simple thoughts that promote success and confidence.  The implementation will be up to you! 


Good Luck Collegians:


Amanda Peterson - Ripon, Jonathan Walsh - St Olaf, Tyler Prickette - Carthage, Ryan Prickette - Marquette, Kelli Kletti - St Norbert, Jacob Hebbard - St Norbert, Eric Norenberg - Carroll, Blaine Lynch - Carroll, Lauren Felton - Carroll, Morgan Zuleger - Carroll, Thomas Wettstein - Valparaiso, AJ Selig - Valparaiso, Cassandra Marschall - Bradley, Derek Feistadt - Green Bay, Derrek Van Lith - St Thomas, Sarah Pappas - St Thomas, Levi Krizeneski - St Norbert, John Weyenberg - Coastal Georgia, Alex Allinger - Eau Claire, Alec Todryk - Missouri Central, Alex Thomsen - U Texas at Tyler, Ben Butcher - North Central Univ, Grace Abitz - Green Bay, Alexa Arent - Western Illinois


Questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 920-858-0388.




Carolyn Barnett-Howe, PGA


Swing Solutions


Howe2golf@aol.com /Swing Solutions 967-4653 /Carolyn's Cell 858-0388
Article originally appeared on Golf Lessons, Golf Instruction, Golf League, Youth Golf, Private golf lessons, adult golf lessons (http://www.swingsolutionsgolf.com/).
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