Dear Carolyn,
Swing Solutions is proud to offer summer workout options for players, coaches, and parents.
Golf-Specific Workouts Led by a certified physical trainer!
DeAnn Froland, Certified Physical Trainer
Workouts will be 2-3 times per week, either early in the morning (6 am) or in the evening (8 pm). These will be group workouts, with 5-10 people per session.
The focus of the workouts will be golf-specific, with the goal of improving core strength and overall flexibility.
Interested? Open to Players, Coaches, and Parents!
Improve your strength and flexibility!
Depending on the number of attendees at a session, the cost of each workout will range from about $5-8.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please email us at Howe2golf@aol.com, or call the Swing Solutions office at 967-4653. Once we know how large the interest pool is, we will develop a weekly schedule and assign session groups.
Our goal is to begin the week of June 14, so let us know ASAP!
 Carolyn Barnett-Howe Swing Solutions |