
Alex Allinger      

High School & Graduation Year:
Appleton West High School - Class of 3007

High School Honors & Achievements:
All Conference

High School Team Accomplishments:

College & Years Played:
University of Wisconsin  - Eau Claire, One Year

Favorite Golf Memory:
Watching father get his first hole-in-one on number 6 at Reid Municipal.

Role Swing Solutions Played in Golf & Collegiate Developement:
Swing Solutions did more than help my golf game, it helped shape who I am as an individual. After spending several years involved in Swing Solutions programs and events, I have no doubt become a person of greater integrity and confidence. Not to mention, all of the great friendships that have been fostered as well.

Where Are You Now?
I am an MCEA major and Spanish minor at UW-Eau Claire, one year away from graduation.